If you use our site, then you are stuck with these terms of use!

Legal advice – you know it when you see it

Nothing here is personal legal advice – that is, advice appropriate to your circumstances. At most, what you find here is just general legal advice, or our opinions of things. Perhaps an occasional joke.

There are only a few things sillier than just relying on general legal advice or opinions (or jokes) to make important decisions. Just don’t.

And to be frank, most issues we deal with professionally are rarely just about the law anyway. Often there are emotional, tax, financial and other things to consider. Don’t assume that knowing the law (or some law) will be the answer to your problem.

You probably could guess this, but using the site doesn’t make you our client. You will know when you are a client: we will send you a formal engagement letter that sets out our business terms. And you will start to have that special fear that someday we will send you a bill. It is to clients and clients alone that we owe all the special duties of a lawyer. If your engagement letter is different to our business terms, also found on this site, your letter always wins.

Be careful

We appreciate that this site is viewable pretty much everywhere, but it is designed for people in Australia.

If we refer to law or policies, just be careful: that will rarely be the complete picture, and laws and policies do change: this site may not have the most recent versions referenced. We are not responsible for what you find at the end of any external links you find here. We rely in good faith on information we source from others. It may not be right.

The Internet is a curious and weird sort of place with all sorts things happening, both good and bad. The world is not virus free. We can’t promise you our site is either.

What else?

Apart from this website’s code (which our nice website provider supplies), this site – its look, its feel - is ours. And everything you find here – the words, the images - is either ours or we have the right to put it here or link to it. Intellectual property laws protect all that, and we aren’t giving up any rights in something just because we may publish it here. You may reproduce stuff, but only for personal use. If it’s a photo, perhaps let me know, as I took them all, and I’d be flattered that you liked it!

This website doesn’t collect any personal information, apart from perhaps our ISP knowing your IP address. We do use cookies, but only in the afternoon with a coffee.

Clients and others do give us personal information, and we have a privacy policy, found from the footer of each page here.

Dollars are Australian dollars. Rather than say Ethiopian Talari. Examples are not exhaustive. All obligations imposed on us by law or equity in relation to our site are expressly excluded to the extent permitted by law. Loss arising to you from use of this site is limited to us resupplying the services. Which, obviously, is not much. Never are we liable for special or consequential damages. Ever.

If we have dispute with you about this site, NSW laws and its courts have the only and the final say.

You irrevocably grant to us a transferable licence to use your soul. We won’t however go anywhere near your soul if there is a viral infection, spread by biting, that causes the dead to rise and eat the rest of us.

We may change these terms of use (and this website) without letting anyone know beforehand. The newest terms apply from when we publish them. You are not allowed to modify this site or attack us or damage our reputation including on social media. Contact us if you wish to link to this website.

Lost or confused? Feeling giddy or emotional?

Contact us.

If you want to complain, we would love to hear from you. Well, actually, no, that’s not really true. But we do enjoy resolving issues.

Like the look of our site? Reach out to estellefleming.com. She is the famous graphic designer elder daughter of the famous lawyer.

Version 30 September 2020 | Launch Financial Services Lawyers Pty Limited | ABN 70 131 274 765