Anthony Fleming is the Managing Partner of Launch | Financial Services Lawyers.

Anthony – Anton to his friends - draws on 30 years’ experience in financial services, founded on his time as a financial services partner at Baker & McKenzie, and before that at Mallesons Stephen Jaques (now King & Wood Mallesons).

But it always seemed to Anthony that big firms just couldn’t get the service model right. Too much focus on making money. Not enough on the people.

So for more than 15 years, Launch has been providing sensible, understandable advice and documents in a style which few lawyers manage but more than too many imitate. One of Anthony’s passions (along with photography) is all the beauty of English.

Anthony makes complex things surprisingly simple. He has a deep industry understanding and (being an ENFJ) also a ton of client empathy. Anthony develops lasting professional friendships with his clients.

Anthony authored the industry standard managed funds prospectus and PDS, and the compliance plan which has become the de facto industry standard.

Read more about Anthony & Launch here

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